Expat workshop: Buying property in the CZ

Expat workshop: Buying property in the CZ

Have you thought about purchasing a property in the Czech Republic but don't know where to begin? Are you unsure about the bank limitations, legal restrictions, and the concept of ‘cooperative’ ownership? Do you wonder about the challenges foreigners may encounter and whether it's a favourable time to enter the current market in 2023?

Then wonder no more - this event is right for you!


Robin Petrásek

Robin is a mortgage advisor and guide for Expats looking to purchase a property in the Czech Republic with more than 10 years of experience. He is the CEO of Expats Finance, and the administrator of the Czech Expats Property Owners group on Facebook, the largest social media community focused on this niche. Furthermore, he occasionally contributes to Prague Morning as a writer, providing expert analysis on real estate and finance news.

Get your ticket.

Our Venue



Expat Centre Prague. Charvátova 6, Prague 1


20.06.2023 16:00